Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adding Course Content

1.       Click the Edit Mode switch to “On” (this will display all content areas of the course, even those which are unavailable or have no material in them).

2.       Click the Red Plus sign to create content.
a.       Select Create Content Area
b.      Enter content area name for example Course Information
c.       Select Available to User check box
d.      Click Submit


 3.       You can rearrange the menu items easily by using the double arrows on the left to Drag-N-Drop the menu item.

4.         Click on the content area menu item to add your material.

5.       Click the “Create Item” button to upload a single document (or type in text).

6.       Type in your text in section 1 or Browse to the document in section 2.

7.       Set options as needed and click “Submit.”