Blackboard Self and Peer Assessment feature helps students evaluate their own work and the work of their classmates. Evaluation can be anonymous i.e. the student do not see the name of the classmate who submitted the work. Instructors provide questions, points possible are set by adding a criteria to each question. Following are the steps to create Self and Peer Assessment .
-With Edit Mode on , select the content area you want to place the assessment in. Click Evaluate – select Create Self and Peer Assessment
-With Edit Mode on , select the content area you want to place the assessment in. Click Evaluate – select Create Self and Peer Assessment
- Enter a name for the assessment in the Name field - Enter instructions- Enter the submission start date and submission end date- Enter the start date and end date for evaluations ( The evaluation start date needs to be after the submission end date).
-Click Yes to make the assessment available
- track the number of views, click Yes radio button
- Select the Display After and/or Display Until dates if necessary
- If necessary, set the date and time restrictions
- Click Submit.
Note: A column is created in the grade center for the assessment.
To Add a question click Create Question button
- Enter the question in the Question Text Editor
- Enter a model response in the Text Editor
- Click Submit
To Add Criteria to a Question:
- Click the drop down arrow to the right of the questions
- Select Criteria
- Click Create Criteria
- Enter criteria text in the Criteria Text Editor
- Assign points
- Determine if partial credit is allowed
- Select the Feedback to User settings
- Click Submit
When the evaluation is done you can move the grades assigned by students to the grade center by accessing the Peer Assessment through the Control Panel Course Tools- Self and Peer Assessment - click the chevron near the question and select view results . You are able to view, download and send results to the grade center.
Wonderful screen shots! This blog is really very innovative!Student Self Evaluation Form