Using special characters in file names can lead to error in displaying items and accessing files in blackboard. Special Characters include:
~` # $ % ^& * ( ) = + / ? > < ;'[ ]: " { } \ | @
Note: If users add a period to the name other than the file extension, Anti virus software thinks the file is infected.
It is best to avoid using spaces in file names because different operating systems handle spaces in different ways. Instead, use underscore ( _ ) in place of spaces. We noticed that some items in blackboard include the following special character: #
Not all web browsers and operating systems will recognize # when either uploading and/or downloading these files or opening an item, so it is best to avoid this .
If you are going to require that students submit documents to you for homework assignments, projects, and exams, we recommend that you establish a naming convention that all students must adhere to, also add file types accepted for example docx, .doc or .rtf
etc. This will save you many hours of headaches of having to run down documents and assignments and misplaced files.
The following examples of naming for documents , items and columns in blackboard .
· Document Naming:
- Incorrect: Carol assignment #3.doc
- Correct: Carol_r_assgn3.doc
· Grade Center Column Naming :
- Incorrect: Wk #3 Writing Assignment (15pts)
- Correct: Wk_03_ReadAssign_15pts