Blackboard Tip: Recommendations for Large File sizes and Posting Multimedia files to Blackboard
Following are some recommendations that make movies, PowerPoint’s, images and PDF easier for students to view in Blackboard. In order for students to have faster access, we recommend that instructors posting multimedia files to a web page or Blackboard course follow to these file size guidelines.
PowerPoint and office Documents Use the tools available in Microsoft Office to reduce file size for PowerPoint and Word files. You can also save files as PDFs before uploading, which often makes smaller, read-only versions of the files. Compressing images in documents will reduce the file size.
In Word or PowerPoint Click File- Select Save AS
Click Tools – Compress pictures
Choose the screen or email 96 ppi value. Click OK
Also saving documents that have images in them in PDF format will reduce file size significantly – for example a PowerPoint that is 6.99 MB became 1.14 MB when converted to PDF from word or PowerPoint click file –Save as
From Save as type drop menu choose PDF
Choose minimum size- Click Save
Most images should only be around 60k-100k; Large images are okay when required (e.g., Art courses); the image size should be 500k or less. Two recommended formats are JPEG for photographs and GIF for computer generated text images. Use a graphics program to resize images for screen viewing before uploading. You can also use an online service such as or
It is recommended to embed your videos or link rather than upload to blackboard. You can upload your videos to AWC video or YouTube and Vimeo, or a separate media server on campus and then link to them within a course. Be mindful of intellectual property rules. For example, it might not be legal to host a video from National Geographic on YouTube, even if you licensed it to use in a course.
Course Files— look for large file sizes and unused or duplicate files and folders that you can delete.
From Control panel click Files and click the course name
Click delete
Audio - Use software to resample or trim audio files to reduce their size. Audio files uploaded to Blackboard should be no larger than 4MB. Recommended format is MP3. The best way to post an audio file to Blackboard is to make it a Podcast episode - that way the player for the audio is shown right in Blackboard and the student does not have to download the audio before listening to it.